Janda's Approach

Posted by Hans Lindgren DC on 16 December 2011 | 1 Comments

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This Blog heading is dedicated to Professor Vladimir Janda, who with his functional approach of Rehabilitation has greatly influenced the way I practice as a Chiropractor. 

I was fortunate to be trained in these unique methods by Professor Janda himself on three occasions before he passed away in 2002.

I have further received training in the Janda Approach by:

  • Craig Liebenson
  • Clayton Skaggs & Susan Green
  • Joanne Bullock-Saxton
  • Michaela Veverkova

The first book I bought by Professor Janda, was in 1986 – it was translated from Czech to Swedish and was called “Muskelfunktions diagnostik”

Many practitioners unfortunately missed the opportunity to be taught by professor Janda, and I therefore intend to post small summaries of my lecture notes from the courses by Professor Janda that I attended.   

For more information regarding Professor Janda’s approach and opportunities to receive training in these unique and very effective methods click the button below:

I would also strongly recommend anyone interested in the Janda Approach to read a very good book called“Assessment and Treatment of Muscle Imbalanceby Phil Page, Clare C Frank and Robert Lardner.  The Book is very well written and explains the Janda Approach nicely.






Rehabilitation of the spine- By Craig Liebenson, is another excellent book that covers a lot of Professor Janda's material.






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  • I'm glad I work with Special needs kids!I am about to spend searevl hours reading your blog. You have so many good links!

    Posted by Edith, 20/02/2012 1:56pm (13 years ago)

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