CDI- Chiropractic Development International
I have now attended my second course with CDI and I am still very impressed. The two courses where titled:
- Spinal Diagnosis
- Dizziness Balance and Postural Control
The CDI courses are well presented and the material is structured in a way that it is very easily implemented in the practise.
As so many other practitioners, I am always looking for more knowledge and new techniques that will improve the effect and quality of care I provide to my patients. It is a continuous attempt to add more tools to the treatment toolbox.
There are many different theories and treatment systems available and very often they are providing conflicting information, which can be utterly confusing.
Since I started my training with the Prague-School of Rehabilitation in 1999 I have been implementing the principles of Professors Lewit and Janda together with the now leading DNS system. I am such a firm believer in Professor Kolar’s cutting edge DNS principles that it would be difficult to accept anything that would be in conflict. Many Chiropractic examination and treatment systems feel a bit outdated and hard to justify scientifically.
When I attended my first CDI course I didn’t fully know what to expect, but their on-line modules and blogs gave me a good sense of confidence. To my relief I discovered that there are no conflicts or contradicting information coming out of CDI. On the contrary CDI fits in with DNS like two perfectly fitting jigsaw pieces.
Sometimes the CDI system describes things in a slightly different way to DNS, but the information is never contradictory between the two methodologies. The CDI programs cover and explain the neurology of our patient’s problems and how we as Chiropractors can affect the neurology of the individual. It is very refreshing to be presented with how the latest research fits in with what we do as practitioners on a daily basis.
The outdated mechanical model explaining the effect of a Chiropractic adjustment has been replaced by a neurological model describing the proprioceptive response on the nervous system by our treatments.
Matthew and Anthony, who are on top of all the latest scientifically proven theories, are using similar descriptions to that of Professor Kolar and the DNS program. Most examinations and treatment procedures are similar and are aimed at affecting the nervous system controlling our movements, not just the joints involved.
To show some examples of the beautiful synergy between DNS and CDI we can look at some of the similarities:
- The Importance of Sensory Integration
- Proprioceptive activation
- The importance of Sensory-Motor training.
- The importance of neurology in posture, both central and peripheral
- Posture as a brainstem reflex function
- Muscle tone control for posture and combat gravity
- The importance of the eyes, vestibules and spine for balance and postural control
- Neurological default programs
- Importance of evaluating eye-tracking and gaze
- Scoliosis as a sensory-motor deficit
- Cortical processing
- Influences from, and on the limbic system
- Activation of the deep intrinsic stabilization system of the spine
- Recommending yoga like movements to challenge balance and stability
- Disc lesions and joint degeneration regarded as a result of insufficient stabilization
Summary: I would recommend all Chiropractor colleagues who are interested in gaining better clinical understanding and outcomes to take a CDI course. I believe without doubt that if our entire profession would follow the system laid out by Matthew and Anthony we would gain the level of recognition we deserve and soon be regarded as Specialists in spinal care. I would also recommend all the Chiropractors involved in the DNS program to look into the CDI courses, as well as suggesting that everyone involved in CDI look at DNS for further improvement in their clinical efficiency. CDI and DNS feels like a very effective combination.
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